The selected device has no output controls
The selected device has no output controls

the selected device has no output controls the selected device has no output controls

  • Right-click and select Update Driver from the pop-up menu.
  • Locate Intel Smart Sound Technology driver (SST).
  • Open Device Manager ( Open the start menu, type Device Manager and press enter) and select System Devices ( close to the end of the list).
  • Fortunately, the solution is relatively simple. The issue appears to be the wrong audio driver being installed, with fortunately only a small number of users affected. Users running into the “ No Audio Output Device Is Installed” error find their PCs completely mute after upgrading to Microsoft’s latest version of Windows 10.

    the selected device has no output controls

    It seems the biggest threat to the stability of our PCs are Windows 10 OS updates, with the latest issue being new reports that the Windows 10 October 2018 update is causing PC users to lose sound output from their computer.

    The selected device has no output controls