It’ll enable players to craft their own gear upon clearing objectives, defeating bosses and discovering new areas.

There’s also Special Crafting that requires the use of ‘ Anvil of Zenithar‘, which can be found at a such places like the “Library of Jhunal” and “Blacksmith of Waterfront District” among others. A number of “unique armors, weapons and rings” can be collected a throughout the journey. When people see a mod claiming to bring Dark Souls to Skyrim, everyone is going to be thinking the same thing. Once there, players will face-off against a host of otherworldly enemies and Souls-like boss battles. Bringing Dark Souls style of combat to Skyrim has been this long, highly sought, but seemingly unattainable thing the Holy grail of mods. Players will venture into and ultimately get trapped within Oblivion. VIGILANT features four, fully-translated and voiced episodes which has now been updated to work with the Skyrim Special Edition. The Vigilants of Stendarr keep Skyrim safe from the influence of malevolent forces… then a certain Daedric Prince takes a very personal interest in the newest member of the Vigilants. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Meets Dark Souls! Mod creator “Vicn” has crafted a Dark Souls inspired mod for the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, complete with its own storyline called, VIGILANT.